In view of the mail strike there is an alternative way to donate such as: including your details on your email to - The donation can be immediately utilized to to supply the food programs and your receipt can be mailed out as soon as the strike is over.
If you wish to make a donation, please fill out the form below.
Print and send it to our mailing address at : C.P.
Elysee 89023, Laval, Quebec H7W 5K1
or Tel. (514) 933-8585, Fax (514) 933-1855 or email: All information received is confidential.
SPECIAL PURPOSE DONATION : $__________ Purpose: __________________
Please complete the appropriate information, then email : or fax your ticket request to our confidential fax line at: 514-933-1855 - or call Adrian at 514.933-8585.
I wish to receive an income tax receipt:
Thank you for your generosity.
Our list is confidential. We do not share it with other charitable organizations.