"Your provision of milk is immeasurable to the children of Saint Columba House. We greatly appreciate the wonderful support that we receive from the Generations Foundation.
Patricia Lisson, Director."

"On behalf of Venture High School, thank you for all that you do. The students ate well and we were not short of anything. We feel it is very important for the students to start the day off with some
good food in their stomachs and we couldn't do it wiothout your help."

"Thank you so much for the donation of snacks for our Spring and Summer reading programs for 2013. As always, you have helped tremendously in making these programs possible and ensuring their continued success." The Learning Associates of Montréal/Les Associés d'apprentissage de Montréal

"We decided to work with Generations Foundation in order to help kids feel a send of belonging in our community... students worked with mentors with our goal to nurture entrepreneurial skills and work ethics in our future generation. We, thank you for all that you do for our youth and helping dreams come true." Mrs. Spinelli, École Secondaire Luarier MacDonald High School.
"Thank you for providing
us with food, the Christmas dinner, the lunch and breakfast program and for
our presents that we received from you.
Thanks for your generosity”. Matthew

"Thank you for supplying the gifts and food for the turkey dinner which
Was delicious and we hope you will do it every year.” Dylan
"I'm writing this letter to thank you for your generosity for the breakfasts,
breakfast and lunch supplies, gifts and turkey dinner.” Bryan

"Thank you very much for your support and for all the food, gifts and
consideration.” Brandon
"My name is Brian and I am so grateful that you are a support for our
school. Thanks for thinking of us. God bless you.” Brian

"Thank you for everything you've done for me and my school. I like my
presents and everything else. Merry Christmas.” from Kevin l.

"Thank you for the food that you brought to us on Wednesday and for the
presents. Thanks so much.” Anthony

"My name is Kevin and I thank you for the food you share, god bless you.”
“I wanted to let
you know that we appreciate what you have done for us.
You have brought us days of joy, a perfect turkey dinner and a present for
We will always remember your kindness towards us and once again we want to
let you know that we appreciate what you have done for us. Thank you. Have
a very merry Christmas.”
Yours Sincerely, Deniz

"You have been very generous for the years i have been here and i thank
you for all the food you have donated to our school. The gift you gave me
is very nice. Keep up the good work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”